Meters are made to serve needs of brightening dark atmosphere by providing light energy. In this era can one do away with the use of meters especially smart meters?

Meters, just as other appliances,  have their advantage and disadvantage and they provide services or give electricity to our homes, wider organizations or communities.
Smart meters help us monitor the use of electric energy based on the appliances we use at home and through out the nations.

Most meters are seen frequently burning up these days when bought after a short while and this situation is a big blow to residence especially those in Teshi a suburb in the greater Accra region.
The continuous burning of these meters, if care is not taken, may lead to lost of lives and properties and this may be due to the unawareness of identifying the particular voltage of meters to use.

Residence must acknowledge the quest to keep themselves well educated on meter usages as to when to keep meters on and when to turn them off if situations arrives. We can read the  captions and directions when we buy the meters and this will help curb the alarming flame on meters . Great smiles on the faces of residence as light shows it's trace throughout the nation but caution should be considered to reduce frequent burn of meters.


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